Then come two groups of wannabes or me-too’ers. These are called the Early Majority and the Late Majority. Together they make up about 70% of the buyers. The final group is called the Laggards. They may still purchase, but maybe not in my lifetime. Those first two groups make up only about 16% of the buyers according to Rogers. We aren’t even through the Early Adopters purchasing, so a giant market of about 75% of the public is ready to hit! In any other market, it would be time to inventory up. We have the advantage of being able to show our wares digitally, but those who can afford the inventory are making inroads as I write.
2. Photographic prints for purchase are comparatively inexpensive. Aluminum or canvas prints may not even require a frame or glass. Multiple prints may be made much more easily and at lower cost than Giclee prints of paintings.
3. The world is modernizing (still). The X-generation and and millennials are simplifying their lives (aren’t we all!). Furniture is simple and functional. Walls are open spaces just ready for photographic prints.
4. The environment, public strife, and health is pretty much on everyone’s mind. Photography captures that environment and speaks to the viewer’s key ideals. It may also capture a moment in time. What you see today may be cherished as a memory of how it used to be. Many print purchases are of a location that means something to the buyer…they bring back a memory or speak to a particular taste. A photograph may do a better job than a painting of capturing this memory with higher degree of reality.
5. The use of color can create emotional impact. It may also coordinate with room decor. Shopping for or commissioning a photograph with particular colors is often easier than shopping for or commissioning a painting.
6. There are a wide variety of display options from standard prints to large acrylic displays. Photography has been used as room dividers, wallpapers, and triptych wall hangings. At lower price points photography is increasingly popular for notecards, calendars and marketing items such as coffee cups.
7. The many genres of photography mean there can be something that meets the tastes and decor of just about everyone. From Abstract to Zoological, photography can hit the mark.