Next month starts a series of articles is on “Composition”. Before getting to the main elements of composition, it will be most productive to go over the correctible mistakes that most of us make when we are starting out, unprepared or rushing. The first two are so common and important we covered them in previous articles. Note that all of these images, most regretfully, came out of my camera.
![Out of focus photo](/global/images/placeholder_1px.png)
![Tilted image](/global/images/placeholder_1px.png)
Wrong Perspective
While not necessarily a mess up for a photo, failing to find the best perspective for a shot means the shot will lose visual appeal. If you find yourself always shooting from eye level, consider alternatives. Get close to the level of your foreground. You would do this if you were photographing toddlers…you wouldn’t point down at their heads. Instead, get down to their level. Similarly, if there are flowers or some other item of interest in the foreground, get down close to that level. You may also need to get higher, such as on a car roof to remove an unwanted barbed wire fence or trashy roadside area. Get creative!
Changing perspective can eliminate distractions or add important elements in your images. Give it a try!
Centered Subjects
This can be effective at times and especially effective when with symmetrical subjects, but our eye usually prefers things off center. This is especially true when we are including a person in our image. Even our faces aren’t symmetrical and this is part of what makes you more attractive. More on this topic when we discuss composition next month.
Too Much Contrast and Lost Details
Most professional landscape photographers take the majority of their images in the two hours after the first light and the two hours before the last light. By far most casual photographs are taken at other hours during the middle of the day. If the sun is shining and there are shaded areas and bright areas this means you will have a very contrasty scene. Our cameras do not do well (without help) capturing detail in both the bright areas and dark areas in these scenes. While shooting in HDR (high dynamic range) can help, the images do not have as much tonal appeal. Yet bright daytime scenes sell quite well when done right. What is it that makes these daytime scenes more appealing? First, there will be a minimal amount of blacks and whites in the scene. It may be that there is blue sky or clouds are over the darker areas of the scene, providing more even tones and reflecting light into the darkest areas.
There is nothing wrong with intentionally shooting high contrast. This is a style that can look great when done right where patterns are simple. But avoid busy scenes, such as when trees are lit with harsh light.
The obvious solution to this is to shoot in light that isn’t harsh. If you are shooting a small scene (say roses) you can provide your own shade with a diffuser or just a piece of foam core.
Too Little Contrast
There are scenes that are have really flat light. These scenes can look very good when presented at high key images (almost all lighter tones), but do not work well when presented in the mid-tones. Similarly, low key images can be mostly dark tones, but get very flat looking if presented with mostly mid-tones. The solution to these problems comes with utilizing the histogram and sliders in post processing. This is a topic for a future article.
Light Concentrated in Wrong Area
Our eye naturally goes to the more lit areas of a photograph. It doesn’t work well to have a dark subject surrounded by lighter areas, but it works very well to have a brighter subject surrounded by lighter areas.
While you should always be on the lookout for scenes with this perfect lighting, it just does not happen that often. Take advantage of it when it does happen, otherwise, control your shots with patience (wait for the light) and a small amount of post processing to brighten or darken selected areas.
Edge Distractions
You will hear photo instructors talk about “border patrol”. This means taking a look around your image for distracting elements on the edges. When there are distractions on the edges they interfere with our eye going towards the subject.
Edge distractions are difficult to control during composition, especially when cropping an image may actually move distractions to the edge. Edge distractions are difficult to see when composing images, which means they might require correction in post processing.
Other Reasons to Kick Yourself
It’s a good thing bruises heal or I would be a permanent black and blue. These reasons have to do with settings. They are easy to prevent if you have a checklist.
- No card in card slot. I rarely take mine out, preferring to transfer image directly from camera to computer rather than using a card reader. By not taking the card out, you won’t forget to put it back in.
- New card not formatted. Your camera will usually let you know about this, but take a test shot before going out on a shoot.
- Not shooting in RAW. Occasionally I shoot casual photos in jpeg to conserve space on my card and computer. Inevitably, I will forget to change back to RAW at the end of the shoot. Did I mention checklists?
- Other wrong settings. If you bump up your ISO, get in the habit of always moving it back to the lowest setting at the end of a shoot.
- I just have to mention this last one because it happens to everyone. That is, if you choose to delete single images directly in your camera, you will eventually be distracted and mistakenly hit the buttons that say “delete all” and confirm with “yes”. This happens because we think we can do multiple tasks at the same time. I can’t, maybe you can. And this only happens when we have just had our best shoot. I have two images on my website that were deleted in the manner I described here. Fortunately, a photographer friend had recovery software that allowed me to recapture the images from my card. Many people do not know that deleted images stay on your memory card until future images write over them. So if you do what I did and you want to try to recover images, do not take more photos on that card. You can search online for recovery software…usually costs about $70-100.